Saturday 21 December 2013

Piano tunning

There are over 200 strings in your piano, which are stretched at high tension across the frame of your piano. When a piano technician performs a piano tuning, he or she carefully adjusts the tension of each of the strings in the piano in order to ensure they not only sound in harmony with each other, but that they are also playing in standard pitch (when A sounds at 440 Hz). While not having your piano tuned regularly will not in itself damage the piano, playing on a piano that is not in proper tune can be very de-motivating for anyone trying to practice on that instrument. It is common to hear children commenting to their parents that their piano at home does not sound or feel as "good" as their teacher's piano. This is usually more due to the fact that the piano has not been regularly serviced, rather than that the piano at home is an inferior piano. Not having your piano tuned regularly also increases the risk that problems occurring in the piano due to environmental factors will go unnoticed. This could lead to more permanent and costly damage. In addition, it is more difficult to tune a piano that has not been regularly serviced. yea for the virtual piano on pc you can check here virtual piano music sheets Lets continue ,Generally a piano should be tuned twice per year in order to keep it in good playing condition. Please note that a piano will go out of tune whether it is played or not. A brand new piano or a piano with new strings on it will probably need to be tuned 3-4 times in the first year. This is because new strings tend to stretch as they are being worked in, causing the piano to go out of tune more often. A piano that is used quite often, such as one being used all day for piano lessons, or one being used by high level pianists who practice many hours a day, will need to be tuned every 2 - 3 months.

Monday 25 November 2013

learn Piano like a Pro

Piano might be a daunting task to learn for beginners sometimes but it is not really hard the way you think if you understand the the trick invovle,
A little info there are 12 notes a piano can produce 7 white key notes (C, D, E, F, G, A, B) and 5 black key notes (C#, D#, F#, A-flat, and B-flat) ( note # means sharp).There are also 88 keys on a standard keyboard the black are farther apart which are raised to the back  from the others .The black keys always appear in consecutive group you can think of  any set of two black keys as a pair of 2 fingers and any set of three black keys as the tines on a fork.
    First finger  starts with the letter C, and the fork starts with the letter F, for more info and click here and for some great tattoos. There is another way to learn the piano if you want a detailed explanation,then you can get this book Learn piano Fast. Thats it for now thank you.